Folk Remedies for Wart Removal

Warts are caused by a virus that enters the skin. They spread easily from person to person and are often difficult to get rid of. There are several over-the-counter medications to combat warts and a few procedures that your doctor can perform. Most warts simply disappear over time, but if you do not want to resort to medication or wait it out, there are several folk remedies that you can try to treat your wart at home. Their effectiveness may vary. If your wart is located on the genitals, is very painful, bleeds or shows sign of infection, see your doctor.

Duct Tape

Duct tape is a popular home remedy for warts. The method described by the Mayo Clinic involves placing a strip of duct tape on the wart and leaving it in place for six days. On the sixth day, remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water. Use an emery board to file down the wart and remove any dead skin in the area. Repeat the process for up to two months. While this method may not be as effective as originally thought, it does work for some people, and is non-invasive and harmless.


Family Herbal Remedies suggests treating warts with garlic, which is known for being anti-viral. Cover the wart in vitamin E oil first as a protectant to the skin on and around the wart. Cover the wart with crushed raw garlic, and cover that with a bandage. After 24 hours, remove the bandage and the garlic. A blister should form, and the area should heal within a week, leaving the skin wart-less.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Applying apple cider vinegar is another folk remedy for warts, including plantar warts. The remedy calls for soaking the affected area in water to soften the skin. Apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball to the wart, and leave on for about ten minutes. Rinse off and repeat daily. Another method is to soak the wart in the apple cider vinegar after showering, and let dry without rinsing.

Fruit and Vegetable Remedies

Traditionally, several different fruits and vegetables have been used to treat warts. An unripened banana peel taped to the wart may remove plantar warts within several months, according to Health 911. Other folk remedies available at your local produce stand include lemon juice, onion juice, pineapple, potato, and radish. All of these remedies consist of rubbing or soaking the wart with the fruit or vegetable.