Essential Oils for Acne Treatment


Acne is a skin condition that most commonly affects the face, neck, shoulders and back. Aromatherapy—the use of essential oils to bring about healing—can be effective in treating of acne. The most important part of treating acne is to keep the area scrupulously clean and to avoid irritating it further by scratching, squeezing or picking at the pustules.

Cleansing with Essential Oils

Good hygiene is essential. For cleansing the affected area, you can use a flower water infusion made from rose, lavender or petitgrain essential oil. Place 20 to 30 drops of your chosen oil in 100 ml of spring water, and leave in the dark for three days. Then, pour the water through a paper coffee filter, and it is ready to use. Apply to the acne with cotton wool, and leave to dry.

Massage with Essential Oils

Gentle massage of the affected area stimulates healing acne. Massage is warming and increases the blood flow, oxygenating the skin and promoting new cell growth. However, care must be taken in the choice of oils used to avoid making the problem worse. Jojoba oil, which is normally used as a carrier oil in massage, is closest in nature to the body’s own natural oil, and it is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Oils to be avoided at all cost include the “hot” oils such as black pepper and ginger. These are oils that have warming properties of their own and would be irritating to the skin. Oils of this type should never be applied, even diluted, to broken or inflamed skin.

Using Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree can be used neat on infected pimples; just dab a drop on the affected area. The oil’s antibiotic and antiviral properties help heal the infection, and the astringent qualities help dry it up. Tea tree also can be used when bathing (about eight to 10 drops in the bath water), and it will also help to boost the immune system, encouraging the body to heal itself.

Tea tree should be used sparingly to prevent the skin from becoming too dry.

Using Bergamot Oil

Bergamot is a gentle and balancing oil. It takes its name from the city of Bergamot in Italy and has been grown there for centuries. This is an excellent oil to use in massage. It is antiseptic and analgesic, which means it will help calm the discomfort of acne as well as treat the infection and inflammation.

Essential Oils in Bathing

Bathing in warm water with an added blend of essential oils is a good way of calming inflamed and uncomfortable skin. It cleanses the skin and prevents further infection. Adding two drops of rose oil and four of frankincense to your bath water is a good combination. Says Ali Headeach, aromatherapist of Margate, UK: “Frankincense has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties which are good for acne, but it’s also amazingly relaxing and releasing, especially when combined with rose oil, which is great for healing scars.”