Effective Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Around Thighs

Getting rid of cellulite is a problem that many have dealt with for decades. While it is not fun nor easy to eliminate, the solutions are very simple. With a combination of eating well, treating your body right, and getting the proper amount of rest, you can reduce the amount of cellulite around your thighs in just a few weeks.

Eat Properly

Cut out as many fats as possible from your diet. Also, eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout your day is much more effective than eating three large meals. These small meals should contain one protein and one carbohydrate. Meals should be eaten 2 to 3 hours apart. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water at each meal and throughout the day.


Simply exercising every day is not effective, contrary to popular belief. You should spend 1 to 3 days per week doing strength and weight training, but you should also wait at least 48 hours before training the same muscles. Cardio training should be done in a few medium and high-intensity sessions per week. Contrary to popular belief, according to hubpages.com, cardiovascular training helps to decrease and minimize cellulite in your thighs.

The best exercise to get rid of cellulite is by simply walking. You should start very slowly (five minutes of walking a day), and then as you become more comfortable over a few weeks, increase it in increments until you get to 45 minutes, twice a day (the maximum that you should be walking per day). Be sure not to over-exercise, however, as it can cause fatigue and make your body very unhealthy.

Rest Up

The biggest problem people have when attempting to lose weight is knowing when to take a break. Getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is crucial to giving your body the tools it needs to lose the cellulite. Being able to take 1 to 2 days off per week from any exercise is also important to give your body a much-needed rest.

Cellulite Body Wrap

A cellulite wrap can be utilized both at home, or at a spa/salon. Body wraps have a mixture of herbs and minerals that help stimulate fat cells to release fat. These herbs and minerals include algae, seaweed, and even warm coffee grounds. Body wraps can help absorb toxins from your body and reduce swelling a great deal.

Deep Massage

Cellulite is caused by expanding fat cells that clump together and push up against the fibrous connective tissue that surrounds them. In order to break up these clumps, and help reduce the size of fat cells, deep massages are often utilized. Massaging the thighs helps to eliminate cell swelling and reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, the amount of pressure needed in order for these massages to be effective causes temporary bruising and can be very painful.

Cellulite Laser

The newest technology to hit the market, cellulite lasers are slowly becoming very popular. This treatment combines a laser light with a massage in order to tighten the skin around areas with cellulite. This process is extremely safe and can enhance the shape of the body and significantly minimize the appearance of cellulite on your thighs.