How to Cure Dark & Chapped Lips


Lips become chapped when the skin cells on them are depleted of moisture. If you have been exposed to extremely hot or cold weather or you frequently lick your lips, the skin on your lips can become chapped, dark, cracked and painful. If chapped lips crack, they can become infected. Chapped lips are not a serious condition in most cases, and do not require medical attention. Try a home remedy to hydrate your parched lips.

Step 1

Drink more water, recommends the Mayo Clinic. Drinking water will help replenish all of the cells in your body, including the skin cells on your lips.

Step 2

Use the natural oil from your skin to help moisturize your lips in an emergency, recommends dermatologist Joseph Bark. Rub your finger against your nose to collect a small amount of oil from your skin, then rub the oil on your lips to help protect and hydrate them.

Step 3

Stop licking. Licking your lips can make chapped lips feel better temporarily, but the saliva quickly evaporates. Resist the urge to lick your lips, because it can make chapped lips even worse.

Step 4

Apply a lip balm that contains beeswax or petrolatum, recommends the Mayo Clinic. These ingredients will help hydrate and protect your lips without causing additional irritation.

Step 5

Run a humidifier while you sleep. A humidifier releases water vapor that can be absorbed by skin cells on the lips. Clean the humidifier three times a week to prevent bacteria from growing in it.

Step 6

Rub an over-the-counter antibacterial gel onto your lips once a day to help reduce the risk of infection. An antibacterial gel prevents bacteria from entering the body through cracks in the lips.