What Are the Causes of Adult Acne in Young Women?

Being a young woman can be stressful because there are so many changes occurring in the woman’s body and in the woman’s life. From the ages of 13 to 25, women go through many life events, such as changing schools, finding a career, getting married and starting a family. To top off these major events, young women also experience adult acne commonly during this time of their lives. Many people believe that acne occurs only in teenagers, but it can last well into the adult years.


Puberty is one of the main causes of acne in young women. Womenshealth.gov explains that during puberty, girls become young women when they start their monthly menstrual cycle. During this time period, hormone levels fluctuate, and young women experience an increase in sex hormones. Womenshealth.gov states that these sex hormones cause the skin to produce excess sebum, which leads to acne.


When a young woman goes through her monthly period, a process called menstruation, she often experiences an increase in adult acne. Womenshealth.gov explains that it is common for women to experience an increase in acne a few days before and during their menstrual cycle, due to the changing levels of hormones in the body. Blemishes often decrease once a woman’s monthly period is over.


Some women experience a pregnancy “glow” that causes their skin to look dewy and moist, but others get more breakouts while they are pregnant. Dr. Lawrence Gibson, an expert in skin care, tells the Mayo Clinic that being pregnant causes a hormonal shift in a woman’s body, similar to when menstruation occurs, except for a longer period of time. This often causes breakouts during pregnancy that are eliminated when the pregnancy ends.


Another common reason that young women get adult acne is because of the cosmetics that they use. Womenshealth.gov explains that improper use of and certain types of makeup are a leading cause for adult acne in women. Some women break out unless they use makeup that is oil-free and “non-comedogenic.” Other women have sensitive skin and experience acne unless they use a completely natural or light type of cosmetics.