Botox for the Lips


Women are always searching for new ways to eliminate lines and wrinkles. For years, Botox has been touted as a safe and effective tool. But has it found a new use—as a lip plumper? While Botox may not actually result in fuller lips, it can create the illusion.

What is Botox?

Botox is a protein that comes from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It has been used for years to treat patients who suffer from conditions such as uncontrolled muscle spasms or tics. In these cases, Botox blocks the impulses from the nerves to the brain, inhibiting muscle contraction. In years recent to 2010, people have begun using Botox as a form of facial wrinkle treatment—it temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles, making them smooth and unable to contract, resulting in skin with fewer lines and wrinkles.

Botox Injections in Lips

While Botox injections in lips will not provide a plumper lip, they can eliminate lines and wrinkles around the lips, resulting in the illusion of a fuller lip. Unlike other lip injections, Botox doesn’t cause redness, rash, swelling or irritation.

The Procedure

Botox is injected several times directly into the skin above the lip using a very small needle—with doctors targeting the largest lip muscles to get the best results. Botox lip procedures are quick and relatively pain-free—it is often compared to the sensation of being stung by a bee. Botox injections are known as an “in-and-out” procedure—that is, no sedation or anesthetic is needed, and the patient can resume normal activities such as eating, walking and driving almost immediately. The results may last anywhere from two to four months.

Seek Medical Advice

Before getting Botox injections, is it recommended that you consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to determine if the procedure is right for you. If you do decide to take the plunge, avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications before the treatment, as they are known to cause bruising.

Botox Alternatives

Botox for lip treatments can be pricey, with some procedures totaling as much as $500. Over-the-counter alternatives are cheaper and may be just as effective. Look for products that contain active collagen and hyaluronic acid to get optimal benefits.