The Best Acne Treatments for Teens

Acne can affect both teenagers and adults, but teens are particularly susceptible to pimple outbreaks. Puberty means hormonal changes that can lead to excess oil production by the skin. This clogs hair follicles and turns into pimple outbreaks. The American Medical Association reports that almost 50 percent of surveyed teens worried that their bad complexion caused others to react negatively to them. Some of this fear can be alleviated by using effective acne treatments to minimize outbreaks.

Benzoyl Peroxide

The information site describes benzoyl peroxide as an anti-bacterial ingredient found in many over-the-counter acne treatments. It works well for teenagers because it is easy to purchase and use, and it comes in several different forms. Many like it because it treats current acne outbreaks while preventing more pimples from developing in the future. It can be applied as a gel or cream or used to cleanse the face in a wash. It gets rid of acne by killing the specific bacteria that causes it. It also dries and peels affected skin, which helps prevent new pimples from forming. warns about three percent of people are allergic to this ingredient. The allergic reaction causes inflamed skin.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid can be purchased in many forms, but states the most popular type is medicated pads. This makes it simple for teens to apply the treatment to their pimples. It slows down rapid skin cell shedding, which keeps the excessive cells from blocking hair follicles and triggering pimples. It also attacks existing blackheads and whiteheads. This dual action gets rid of current outbreaks and prevents future problems. warns against using it with other acne treatments, as this can lead to nasty skin irritation.


The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises that moisturizers can help soothe dried out skin turning acne treatment. Teens with irritated skin can apply moisturizing products as long as they are labeled noncomedogenic. This means they don’t have any pore-clogging oils that could counteract other acne treatments. Normally the moisturizer should be put on after an acne medication. However, the AAD states it can be put on beforehand if it doesn’t give adequate relief when applied afterward.


Many teen girls like to wear makeup to school, while out socializing and on dates. Certain types actually help treat acne, according to the AAD. They must be labeled as noncomedogenic, which means they will not clog the pores because they do not contain oil. They can also be worn along with other acne treatments, so teenagers who are currently fighting pimples can still look nice without sacrificing effective treatment. The makeup should be applied after the regular acne-treatment product, the AAD explains.