Acne & Prevention


There are many effective acne treatments, but if you prevent the pimples from forming in the first place you won’t have to deal with an outbreak and then wait for the medication to work. There is no foolproof way to head off an acne outbreak, but you can make breakouts much less likely. You may also lessen the severity of your breakouts when the inevitable pimples occur.


Acne happens when your pores, which are actually fair follicles, get plugged up with old skin cells and oil secreted by your skin’s oil glands. Bacteria can grow and worsen the problem. Acne can be characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and cysts, depending on the severity of the blockage and whether bacteria growth is present, notes the Mayo Clinic.


Bad personal hygiene is not a direct cause of acne, but proper washing can help prevent it by cleaning away oils that might otherwise clog your pores. Wash acne-prone areas twice daily with a mild cleansing product. More frequent washing and rough scrubbing can make acne worse. Thoroughly remove makeup at bedtime so it cannot clog pores overnight. Shower immediately after exercise, especially if you are sweating a lot, because sweat and oil can trap acne-causing bacteria and dirt on your skin.


Acne is usually found on the face, but it can crop up on other body parts, too. Wear loose-fitting apparel if you have acne on your shoulders, chest, back or any other area that is normally covered by clothing. Tight clothes can promote acne by trapping heat and moisture against your skin. Friction will irritate it and make it more prone to outbreaks.


There are many myths about dietary items that cause acne, but there is no objective evidence that commonly named culprits like chocolate and greasy foods have any effect on pimple outbreaks. However, the Mayo Clinic does acknowledge that starchy foods like chips, bread and bagels may play a role in acne formation for certain people because of the way they affect blood sugar levels. Pay attention to whether these foods seem to be linked to your outbreaks and avoid them if your skin shows negative effects.


Acne treatments can help when you already have an outbreak, but certain topical treatments can also be used as preventative measures. Use creams, lotions, pads or wipes that list benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as their active ingredient. Both of these treatments are available over the counter at drug stores and department stores. They dry up acne-causing oils before the pores can be blocked.


Women with can prevent certain types of acne with the right makeup choices. Cosmetics can contribute to acne problems by blocking the pores, but certain products are made specifically to prevent this. They are usually labeled as non-comedogenic. Oil-free products are also generally good choices for makeup and moisturizers.