How Can I Get Rid of Back Acne Fast?


As frustrating as it is and as ostracized it can make you feel, acne is common. In fact, up to 50 million people in the U.S. suffer from acne according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Even so, suffering from acne makes you feel out of place, especially when blemishes pop up on other parts of your body like your back. Luckily, treating back acne is very similar to how you’d treat it on your face.

Step 1

Take a shower once a day to remove dirt and oil from your back. Use a gentle soap and a soft wash cloth. Avoid loofahs or rough sponges, which can irritate your skin and make back acne worse.

Step 2

Wear breathable fabrics like cotton only. Dress in layers if it’s cold and wear cool clothing if it’s hot. Sweating unnecessarily can cause bacteria to build up on your skin and worsen breakouts.

Step 3

Wash your hair every day if it’s oily to prevent the transfer of oil from your hair to your back. At the very least, keep your hair pulled up off your back to prevent contamination.

Step 4

Purchase an over-the-counter cream to apply to your back acne lesions. Dab a cream containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid directly onto your acne immediately following cleansing. This will allow the medication to penetrate into the pores while they’re still open from the heat of a shower. If you go out in the sun, wear a sunscreen to prevent a sunburn due to an increased sensitivity to sunlight these creams cause.

Step 5

Clean your bedding on a regular basis–at least once a week to prevent introduction of oil, dirt and dead skin cells onto your skin. Use fragrance-free detergents to prevent skin irritation.

About this Author

Brenda Stokes is a freelance writer, editor and researcher based in Southern California. She’s worked as a writer since 2004 and has a B.A. in English Literature. Her work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, including ePregnancy, Cat Fancy and BabyZone.