Holistic Remedies for Yeast Infection

Yeast infections can plague men and women. Although yeast lives in the intestinal tract, an overgrowth of the yeast organism can cause tiredness, increased allergies, malabsorption of nutrients and skin breakouts. Conventional treatments of yeast typically wipe out not only the yeast organism (considered the bad flora), but also the good flora needed for proper digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals. Holistic remedies to treat yeast infections offer a more natural and less expensive means to manage the infections while keeping the good flora intact.


Probiotic supplements which put the good flora back into the intestinal tract and mucosal areas of the groin and mouth, reestablish the balance between good and bad bacteria, according to Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Coenzyme Q10 fortifies the immune system which yeast weakens by compromising the absorption of vitamins and minerals. A stronger immune system prevents yeast overgrowth. Caprylic acid destroys candida, the organism responsible for yeast proliferation in the intestines, states Balch. Take supplements according to the package directions and check with your physician for specific drug and supplements interactions.


Avoidance of simple carbohydrates and starchy foods keeps yeast under control. Yeast thrives on an acidic and sugary environment, and fermented foods such as aged cheeses, alcohol, pickles, vinegar and soy sauce promote yeast growth. A diet consisting of fresh, raw vegetables and non-soluble fiber flushes yeast from the body. Citrus fruits create an acidic environment; avoid these foods until the yeast infection subsides.


Tea tree oil diluted with water kills the yeast organism on the skin. Although widely used as an internal treatment in Europe, tea tree oil has not received FDA approval for internal use in the United States. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends external use of pomegranate gel, reporting it has the same effect as an antibiotic on yeast. Drinking aloe vera juice increases production of white blood cells which kill yeast cells. Pau d’arco and clove, both available in tea or capsule form, act as antibacterial and antifungal agents. If taken as a tea, drink at least three cups daily.


Most homeopathic remedies target hot, inflamed skin which may be raw or bleeding. Borax helps heal bleeding sores in mouth. Chamomilla and Arsenicum album calms burning and itching rashes (such as diaper rash) complicated with the added symptoms of anxiety.

About this Author

Gloria Attar, RN BSN, has been a professional writer since 1983. Her work has appeared in “A Distinctive Style,” “The Rambler” and “Chocolate for a Woman’s Dreams.” Her online works are at eHow and LIVESTRONG. She specializes in healthcare, wellness and relationship topics. Gloria Attar obtained her BSN from Kent State University.