Linda Mccloud
November 15, 2015
“Lets do this again,” she says in a quiet voice. “I would like that,” he agreed as he glanced at his watch. What is wrong with this picture? One of the people isn’t telling the whole truth. The reason? The…
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Gregory P. Mac
November 15, 2015
The surest way to knock down the barriers surrounding a girl’s heart is to get her laughing. Humor establishes a common bond between two people and creates a feel-good environment where trust can be readily established. Any man interested in…
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Allen Teal
November 15, 2015
Men cheat for three basic reasons. In their heads, they cheat for myriad reasons. The reality is that most if not all of them can be distilled into just these few reasons. Men cheat because they can’t get pregnant, and…
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Shelly Blomker
November 15, 2015
We all seem to think that our relationships are going to last forever. That is not always the case. Every relationship is different and there are signs that do come that your relationship isn’t going the way it should. A…
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Gabby Bugwadia
November 15, 2015
The laws of attraction work differently for different people. There are myriad factors that come into play; however, in general most women are naturally drawn to men who are gallant, dashing and have an air of quiet confidence about them….
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November 15, 2015
To our surprise, sometimes a romantic relationship that we have chosen to end, is not really over after all. There are times where we realise that our ex is still very much alive in your mind and in our soul….
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Kemper Gray
November 15, 2015
Today, more than any other time in history, women are finding better footings and equal ground in the business world; this is a huge step forward. But, the question here is: are we (men) taking the equality shift to escape…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 15, 2015
There have always been women who have used pregnancy as an attempt to trap the men that they are with, or were with, or want to be with. This rarely works, as history has shown over and over again, yet…
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Ted Sherman
November 15, 2015
The first bit of best advice for women going on a blind date is to follow your basic instincts of observation and self-protection. After that, everything should make for an enjoyable occasion. To start, there’s the playing field. The internet…
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Hazel Webb
November 15, 2015
Dates tend to be really good or they tend to be really bad. For some strange reason they seldom are just so-so. It’s natural for both parties to be a bit nervous. After all, chances are you probably have been…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
November 15, 2015
First dates are often a real trial. If you aren’t prepared and don’t have ground rules set up it can be a miserable time. There are definitely ten things you should not do on a first date and probably many…
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Krystle Hernandez
November 15, 2015
When I first met my boyfriend, I assumed that he was like any other college guy. He was up on stage, singing karaoke with a group of his friends, beer in hand. For some reason or another, the t-shirt and…
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Ronnie Dauber
November 15, 2015
Single dads crave for the companionship of female company even more than single guys because there’s a void in their heart now that aches to be filled. This void isn’t just sex; it’s having someone to share with, to laugh…
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Lesley Rigg
November 15, 2015
The effect or lack of negative effect on children dealing with their parents dating after divorce or separation is dependent on a lot of characteristics. How difficult and emotional the original break-up was for a start. However, there is no…
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Dolores Moore
November 15, 2015
It is many years since a “first date” was part of my life experience, but I think, male and female, we remain, so despite the passing of time, some things stay the same. My “dumb things” list is offered from…
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Lorelei Cohen
November 15, 2015
Appreciate a blind date for what it is, an evening out on the town with another person who is probably going to enter the room with just as many concerns about this blind date, as you have. Be realistic in…
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Ronnie Dauber
November 15, 2015
First dates can be an exciting experience that will leave your memoirs filled with pages of inscription and pleasant memories. There are lots of fun things to do on a first date, and here are just a few. 1) Go…
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Ted Sherman
November 15, 2015
This title could cause this old Navy guy to reach way down in the mud for humor of the rawest kind. However, as a father of young adults who are now active participants in the dating game, I’ll restrain myself…
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D. Victor
November 14, 2015
“It’s not what you say, but what people hear”. We all desire to make a good first impression on a first date, since this is the beginning of the discovery process. In most cases, you have already decided that the…
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Linda St.Cyr
November 14, 2015
Got the date but have no idea what you are going to talk about? Conversations are an important element to the first date scenario. The first date is an opportunity to get to know one another better, find likes and…
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Angela S. Young
November 14, 2015
Every single person has friends, relatives and acquaintances who think they have just the right guy for you. For some reason, they think you must have a man in your life to be happy, and they are willing to help…
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Dan Blade
November 14, 2015
Many men shy away from dating a single mom, and to be honest I’d often wondered about it myself until one day I received an e-mail from my sister. Her first paragraph stated, “There is a woman you have to…
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Ronnie Dauber
November 14, 2015
The worry of what to say or what not to say is probably more stressful than the actual conversation itself. You want to say things about yourself that keep your date’s interest in you, but you don’t want to give…
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Linda Shrigley
November 14, 2015
I was asked out for Saturday evening, but he wants to get to know me a little before we go out to an evening of dinner, and dancing. He has made the suggestion that we could meet earlier in the…
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Susan Hibberd
November 14, 2015
There are always things to consider when you are thinking of dating someone. Do you like the same things? Will they like your friends? Will you get on with their parents? But when you are thinking about dating a single…
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Lesley Rigg
November 14, 2015
You are just about to set off to meet someone you’ve never come across before. Now, I’m sure you trust your friend’s judgement in the area of trustworthiness and reliability, but nonetheless you are a woman, and as such you…
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Annie M Manzi
November 14, 2015
You always want to make a good impression on your first date with someone. And you hope they impress you too. But you can get into trouble on a first date, usually you know little to nothing about the person…
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Tobias Hamrick
November 14, 2015
We all ask ourselves if a relationship with a cheater can work out. Can It? Will it? Would you like it to? Anyone who has ever been cheated on is sure to have asked themselves these questions before just to…
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Hope Darby
November 14, 2015
With the dating scene moving out of the bars and into chat-rooms, online forums, and through friend-of-a-friend networking, blind dates are more prevalent now than ever before. They can be equal parts exciting and dreadful, fun and mind-numbingly boring, satisfying…
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Martin Matthews
November 14, 2015
If you’re shy, there is still hope for you to find a companion. The issue to address is why you’re so shy. I was very shy when I was younger. It was because I wanted people to like me and…
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