Carpal Tunnel Treatment Exercises

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a hand and wrist condition that occurs due to overuse. Flexing the wrists excessively when typing or writing can cause the syndrome, as can using the hands in playing a musical instrument, or health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Various hand and wrist exercises can help reduce the pain and tingling of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Forearm Stretch

The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends forearm stretches to help reduce pain and weakness in the wrists due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Press your palms together in front of your chest as if you were praying. With your hands together, raise your elbows slowly to stretch your arms. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then release and shake out your wrists. Repeat as needed to relax your wrists and arms throughout your workday.

Wrist Circle Exercises

On your right hand, lift your middle and ring finger up in the air, and curl your other fingers into a fist. Carefully draw five circles in the air with the ring and middle finger, going clockwise. Switch directions, drawing five more circles in the air with the ring and middle finger. Repeat on the left hand.

Fist Slide Exercise

Donna Rae Siegfried, writing on the Arthritis Foundation website Arthritis Today, recommends fist slide exercises to help reduce the pain and tingling of carpal tunnel syndrome. Make a fist with your right hand, and hold it for several seconds. Slowly slide your fingers up the palm of your hand to uncurl them until they are completely straight. Fan your fingers out and stretch the hand for several seconds. Repeat five to 10 times, then repeat on the left hand.