Ayurvedic Hair Treatment


Ayurveda means “Knowledge of Life in Sanskrit. This ancient healing system, practiced for around 5000 years, originates in India. In his book “Prakrit: Your Ayurvedic Constitution,” Robert Svoboda highlights Ayurvedic intentions to balance and rejuvenate life forms, reduce susceptibility to disease and encourage the prevention of illness. Ayurveda bases its philosophy upon a theory of doshas and principles where each individual takes responsibility for his own life and health. Harmony with nature and an awareness of the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit centers Ayurveda, which incorporates the use of herbs, meditation, stretches or asanas, nutrition, massage and purification therapy as healing tools. A person’s hair type can indicate his dosha, and the condition of the hair illustrates balance or imbalance. The natural healing practises and emphasis of healing within, typical of Ayurveda, presents a complimentary alternative to damaging chemicals more often used in the hair and beauty industry.


A dosha, meaning life force, provides a way to define the pre-determined personality traits and mental, physical and spiritual characteristics of a person. An individual can display characteristics of all three dosha’s: pitta, vata and kapha, although one will dominate. Knowledge of your dosha can help you understand your vulnerabilities and strengths. If illness occurs, your dosha will dictate the appropriate treatment to rebalance mind, body and spirit.The pitta dosha represents fire and water. An aggravated pitta can result in acne, rash and impatience. Body odor also can occur. Too much pitta in the body can cause hair loss, thinning and premature graying. The vata dosha represents space and air. When out of balance, an individual may develop depression, sore throat, dry skin, chapped lips and dandruff.


The shedding of skin cells from the scalp acts as a form of renewal. Disorder is indicated when this action accelerates, resulting in dandruff. Bad hygiene, overactive sebaceous glands, harsh shampoo, emotional stress and exposure to extremely hot, cold or dry environments trigger dandruff. To treat, add two to three beaten eggs to a little water. Pour the mixture over the head and massage the scalp. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. You can also massage your scalp two or three times a week with coconut oil, 30 minutes at a time. The massage loosens dead skin cells, keeping the scalp moist and the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties contained in the coconut eases itching and keeps dandruff at bay.

Hair Loss

Hormonal imbalances, emotional stress and chemical treatments can lead to hair loss. Scalp massage helps treat this condition as it stimulates circulation and increases blood flow. Use coconut, amla or almond oil to massage before going to bed, shampooing the hair in the morning to remove excess oil. Herbal rinses also treat hair loss. Use apple cider vinegar, licorice root extract or horsetail and sage to increase circulation and disinfect the scalp. Pour over your head to cover the scalp thoroughly. Massage well and leave to stand for 10 minutes, before rinsing with warm water. Eat a balanced diet of fruits, nuts, grains, leafy green vegetables, proteins, diary and fruits.

Premature Graying

Premature graying, caused by environmental factors, health issues or genetics, can occur before the age of 35. In a 2007 article published in “InteliHealth,” Rhonda B Graham highlights premature graying as a possible signal of disease, alopecia areata, werner’s syndrome and pernicious anemia. Ayurvedic theory suggests emotional stress, anger and over exertion as causal factors. Harsh shampoos, overuse of heated styling tools and a deficiency in specific vitamins and minerals can contribute to premature graying. To treat, mix henna with lemon juice or vinegar, making a thick paste. Keep it in a covered plastic container and leave overnight. Add one part of amla powder to two parts of the henna and lemon juice, adding honey and water until the mixture resembles a yogurt consistency. Apply to freshly washed, dry hair. Leave for 2 to 4 hours, then rinse and shampoo well completely removing all residue. Follow with a deep conditioning treatment. Keep the gray hairs at bay with amla oil to darken gray hair and prevent new ones from growing.

Itchy Scalp

An itchy scalp can result from psoriasis, contact dermatitis, stress and allergic reactions. Dandruff can also offset this condition and lead to hair loss. Mix one cup of olive oil, a tsp of Neem oil, 10 drops of tea tree and lavender oil and massage the head for 10 minutes. Neem oil contains antifungal properties and treats itching when applied directly to the scalp. Alternatively, apply aloe vera gel to the scalp and leave for 20 minutes before rinsing.

About this Author

Eshe Asale is a holistic massage therapist based in Washington, D.C. She began writing in 1995, with articles appearing in Examiner.com, “Iqra” newspaper and “Between Love Hope and Fear” anthology. She holds a massage therapy certificate from Lourdes Institute, a Master of Arts in media studies/communications from Goldsmiths University, and a Bachelor of Arts in writing and publishing/film studies from Middlesex University.