Author Archive: K. Russell

Moving in with Parents

In olden days, families stayed together for generations. Additions were built onto the family home to make room for new couples and new babies. Every member of the family had responsibilities to fulfill and contributions they were expected to make….
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Love Advice

The Art of Feeling is a method that helps couples work through what can often appear to be insurmountable difficulties. People argue with those they care about.  Arguments escalate due to hurt feelings.  Feeling vulnerable and upset often leads to…
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Common Reasons Relationships Fail

Human relationships are complex and constantly changing interactions. There are romantic relationships, professional relationships, and casual relationships. They can be formal, intimate, structured, brief, or any other number of descriptive words. Relationships are the way people interact with one another….
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How Grief is Processed

Traditionally, there were specific actions to be taken in times of grief: black ribbons were hung, photographs covered, doorbells stilled. These actions provided an avenue of comfort and communication to family, friends, and neighbors for the bereaved. These public signs…
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Display Family Tree

After conducting some family tree research, there are many creative ways to display your family lineage and history. There’s no point in tracking down great-great-great grandparents’ names, birthplaces and birth dates, and all the rest, only to stuff all that…
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