About Morgellons Disease


Morgellons disease is a disorder of the skin. According to Morgellons Disease Research, Morgellons disease is also known as Morgellons, Morgellon, Morgellons syndrome or the fiber disease. Morgellons Disease Research states Morgellons was first reported over 300 years ago, although little is known about the disorder. Mayo Clinic states the disease is mysterious and an unexplained dermopathy (skin condition).


According to Mayo Clinic, Morgellons disease is characterized by skin rashes or sores that cause extreme itching. Other symptoms of Morgellons disease include crawling sensations on and under the skin reported to feel like insects moving, stinging or biting, black strings or thread-like material in and on the skin, fatigue, loss of short-term memory and ability to concentrate, changes in behavior, pain in the joints and vision problems. Mayo Clinic states Morgellons disease is similar to other known conditions such as Lyme disease, liver or kidney disease, schizophrenia, drug or alcohol abuse and delusional parasitosis, which involves inaccurate beliefs of parasite infestations.


Mayo Clinic reports of Morgellons disease has been documented in every state in the United States and 15 countries worldwide. The most cases have been reported in California, Florida and Texas.


According to Mayo Clinic, attitudes toward Morgellons disease are varied. Some health care providers believe that Morgellons disease is a specific disorder that warrants more research, while other health care providers believe the signs and symptoms are caused by other conditions such as psychological disorders. Mayo Clinic states that many health care providers will not acknowledge Morgellons disease until more information is known. Patients with symptoms of Morgellons disease have reported they were ignored, critically judged as delusional or accused of making up the complaints. Mayo Clinic states health care providers retort by saying patients claiming to have Morgellons disease typically resist other explanations for the reported symptoms.


Morgellons disease can be difficult to cope with. Mayo Clinic attests even though health professionals disagree about the disease, patients suffering from Morgellons symptoms should be treated with compassion. Ways to manage the signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease include finding a health care provider that listens to your concerns, be patient, keep an open mind, continue to look for treatment for other possible conditions and monitor the current information related to Morgellons disease.


According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are no known causes or common risk factors for Morgellons disease. CDC states an increase in reports regarding symptoms of Morgellons disease has provided reason to launch an investigation to learn more about this unexplained disorder. CDC does not recommend or support any type of treatment for this disease.


CDC states there is not enough information regarding Morgellons disease to determine whether or not it is contagious.

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