Work exercise into your holiday routines

It’s not unusual to overindulge over the Christmas season. There’s parties, cookie exchanges, family gatherings, and of course the huge Christmas dinner. With all the stress of shopping, wrapping, decorating and cooking, it seems like the only exercise you can find time to do is speed walking laps around the mall. So how can you work activity into all that? Check this out — it has a number of easy tips for working exercise in your routine. Walking is a great way to get out and about, and you can do it with visiting family members, or work it into your errands, such as walking to your friends’ houses to deliver gifts.

Here’s another tip: venture out into the woods to cut down your own Christmas tree. Our family does this each year, and trying to find one that suits my mother’s high expectations can take hours — there’s lots of calories to be burned there!

Do you have any other tips?

Author by Martha Edwards