Vending machine distractions

I’ve recently returned to work after a one year maternity leave — and I am already worried about my waistline.

My job is fast paced — people leaning into my office throughout the day, phones jangling, PDA’s beeping and vibrating. I barely have time to breathe, let alone grab a salad and water at lunch. Before I went on mat leave, I’d sprint down to the vending machine and grab a couple pepperoni sticks and a juice for lunch.

But now, I’ve worked too hard to get back in shape in the last year. I want to keep my running-and-healthy-lunch body.

So, I’ve resolved to:

1) Keep water on my desk at all times — it’s easier to have a swig than to run down to the vending machine for a high-sugar juice.
2) Buy a packet of cut up veggies in the morning so I have something when I need an immediate boost. If I don’t have something prepared, I’m more likely to make a bad choice.
3) Keep a healthy living website (this blog, perhaps!) on my desktop as a reminder of my goals.
4) Force myself to get outside and walk at lunch — no matter how busy I am. Oxygen in the lungs is more important than returning that phone call over the noon hour, anyway.

Author by Kristin Scott