To salt or not to salt, that is the question

The great salt debate — should you or shouldn’t you? How bad can it really be? It depends who you ask. The salt industry and those affiliated purport that it is risky to limit salt intake and that the connection between salt intake and hypertension is unclear.

However, research is now showing that even if you do not have high blood pressure, a high salt intake could lead to cardiovascular disease. It seems that some people are “salt sensitive” and that salt has a negative effect on their systems, whether or not it gives them high blood pressure.

This “Salt Wars” article goes on to explain what types of salt everyone should limit, like table salt and salt in processed foods. Here’s a tip: When cooking, wait until the end to season your food with salt — it’ll help you use less. While this is good advice, do you suppose we could address the concerns on both sides of the argument?Yes, limit the processed foods that are high in sodium; those aren’t good for anyone, no matter what. But if you can find a really high quality unrefined sea salt, like Real Salt, then why not use it to season your food in cooking and at the table if you choose? Unrefined salt contains a broad spectrum of nutrients, like the potassium that the article mentions is important in your diet to help balance the effects of sodium.

If it is in its whole form, salt doesn’t have to be bad for you. When used in moderation, it provides minerals that your body needs.

Author by Debra McDuffee