Stress Less — sigh deeply, slow down, enjoy holidays. Check!

Here it is again — the holidays and we’re just three weeks or so from one of the largest holidays of the year — when measured in “stress” amounts. We’ve all heard that the holidays are more stressful than any work week. The hours of shopping, going to parties and events, hosting events at our homes, fixing large meals and entertaining guests, making our humble abodes look festive for the holidays…it goes on and on.

And that’s just the half of it — add to that the financial stress of *not* looking forward to paying off debt from all those holiday gift purchases, trying to not overeat with all the food choices you’ll have and even living up to expectations of family members and relatives that you rarely see — these are all huge stress triggers. How about you?

It’s sad that the holidays are filled with more stress and anxiety than of restful relaxation, but that’s just the way it is for many of us. There are simply too many things to do and the road to just relaxing just becomes filled with roadbumps and other obstacles.

Although stress reduction tips are things many people scoff at (as in, “how on earth do I do that!”), a decent, good-faith effort can be made and reduction in stress levels really can be accomplished during the busy holiday season. How? Here are a few *large* steps:

— Try to have a positive attitude
— Try not to worry about things out of your control
— Problem solve with people around you. Ask them to help you alleviate stress
— Exercise. A few extra minutes of exercise a day can benefit your overall health (this is a biggie for me)
— Eat nutritious food and decrease the amount of fat and sugar you eat
— Meditate, or take a class in relaxation and stretching techniques, like Tai Chi or Yoga
— Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages (switch to decaf and get off soft drinks for a month!)
— Get plenty of rest — try to get eight hours of sleep each day
— Give yourself the gift of a massage, as it can be beneficial for the mind and body (trust me on this)

Author by Brian White