Lawn Care Tips

Many homeowners take pride in their lush, green lawns. It is an indication that they take care of their properties and they have the skills needed to make their lawns look nice. Fortunately, lawn care is easier than it looks. You can have a lush, green lawn if you take some extra time and patience. A little research about the best types of grass for your area and some other measures you can take will help, too.


The most popular type of grass is Kentucky Bluegrass because of its lush and beautiful color. Just like the name sounds, Kentucky Bluegrass is often so green that it almost looks as if it has a bluish tint to it. It’s also very durable and takes little maintenance. If you’re looking to fill in shady areas of your lawn, Fine-Leaf Fescue is best. It can tolerate shade and drought, but it is not recommended for high-traffic areas because it doesn’t hold up well when people or pets trounce all over it. For high-traffic areas, Perennial Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass and Bermuda Grass are perfect picks. If you are looking for low-maintenance grass, try using Tall Fescue, Buffalograss and Centipedgrass. These varieties can tolerate drought climates and high-traffic areas with ease.


Depending on where you live, there are many different types of grass that would best suit your environment. For areas that have hot climates, Bahia Grass is low-growing and resistant to weeds. St. Augustine Grass is vigorous and tough and able to withstand some shade. However, these types of grass require frequent watering, fertilizing and mowing. Kentucky Bluegrass is used in colder climates because it grows better in colder temperatures. If you live in states that have drought tendencies, Bermuda Grass and Seashore Paspalum can tolerate salt, droughts and wet conditions.


There are a few things you can do to keep your lawn healthy and be the envy of your neighborhood. According to experts, caring for the lawn begins at seeding and ends with mowing and watering. When establishing your lawn, check to see what condition it is in. If your lawn needs to thicken up, the best way to do so is to aerate and “overseed,” or plant many more seeds than necessary. The next step is to fertilize your lawn. This will help germinate the seeds quicker. Watering and mowing your lawn is the next step in lawn care. When mowing your lawn, do not set the mower too low because this will scalp the lawn and lead to drying and thinning. The best way to keep your lawn watered is to use a sprinkler system. This will ensure it gets watered properly and evenly. The final important step is to weed your lawn and remove any harmful weeds that can “take over” and make your grass look less than perfect.

Time Frame

When you’ve decided on what type of lawn you want, it’s important to follow the instructions to care for it. Grass varieties differ in their time frames for planting, watering and weeding. Some varieties, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, grow better when they are watered right after planting and on a regular basis thereafter. Other varieties that are more accustomed to dry climates may only need to be watered a couple times a week in order to grow to its full potential. The best way to ensure you are watering and fertilizing your lawn to help it grow its best is to follow the instructions on the seeds or packages in which the grass is packaged.


The benefits of having a well-manicured lawn far outweigh the work that goes into it. It might make your neighbors take better care of their lawns. As a result, the entire neighborhood looks better and it makes your house more valuable. A lush, green lawn is also beneficial for walking around your yard with your bare feet and it’s also great place for kids to play.