
All about Birthstones

Birthstones signify a person’s birth month. When you want to give someone a truly unique and personalized gift, nothing says individuality like a birthstone. A birthstone represents the recipient’s birth month and has a history as old as one of…
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All about Birthstones

Birthstones have enjoyed a renaissance as popular items of jewelry to give as gifts for birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, the stones being chosen to correspond to the birth month. The motivation for many people goes far beyond the innate beauty…
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All about Birthstones

Birthstones, dating back to the first century, remain remarkably popular through the joy of wearing personalized jewelry and belief of mystical properties. Meanings and uses of the gems differ and change throughout history, but they remain powerful pieces of jewelry…
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Peridot Facts and Legends

Peridot is a little known semiprecious gemstone that really deserves more attention.  Peridot is the name given to gem quality samples of the mineral olivine, which is a  common rock forming mineral found in volcanic rocks.   Its  chemical composition is…
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Diamond Shapes

There are two meanings to the word “cut” in the diamond industry. Diamond experts immediately think of the proportions and finish, a reflection of quality, when they hear “cut.” However, the general public hears “cut” and thinks shape and faceting…
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