Author Archive: Matt Bird

Humor Tension

Picture this. You’ve got two leaders of industry. They’ve just hit a tense moment in negotiations. The room has gone quiet. Their deal hinges on them agreeing – and the whole world will crumble apart if they don’t. You, lonely…
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Family Tension

There are fewer things that cause long-term dysfunction in a family than a tense household. The creation of such a life can have a myriad of causes: perhaps there’s been a major fight recently that nobody can seem to get…
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Asking someone out

For a few daunting swingers asking someone out is as simple as walking up to them and saying “Hey, how you doin’?” in typically Joey-from-Friends fashion. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t – and when it doesn’t these confident, headstrong…
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Causes of Folliculitis

Of all the medical problems that can annoy a person’s skin, few are quite so unsightly yet ultimately superficial as folliculitis. An infection of the hair follicles on a person’s body, folliculitis is an embarrassing problem that’s usually more annoying…
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Making a Girl Smile

Nobody wants a pouty girlfriend. Ideally a girlfriend should be bright and chipper at all times – and even if they aren’t, we boyfriends (and fellow girlfriends, yes, let’s not neglect you) should at least be trying to put a…
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Signs of Cheating

Men? Cheat on women? When they’re in a relationship? What a bizarre concept. And so foreign to our gender! … yes, well, poor lies aside, men do cheat. Women do, too, but men seem to perpetrate the crime a little…
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Getting over an ex

It really sucks to break up with someone and then have them stuck in your head. This is practically an inevitability for some people: they have trouble letting go, regardless of how bad their relationship was, and they’ll refuse to…
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Asking Girls out

For guys, one of the first major milestones in life – not to mention fear-worthy moments – is asking out a girl. There couldn’t be anything tougher than doing this, despite how easy it may seem later on in life,…
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Bad Breakups

Man, do breakups EVER go smoothly? By their very nature breakups are meant to be turbulent affairs: you’re splitting up two people who have, for possibly a long time, had an emotional investment in one another. It’d be no big…
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Dealing with Breakup

Breakups are terrible, aren’t they? One minute you’re enjoying the boons of a happy romance, cuddling and laughing and loving together, and the next your relationship is sitting in a dumpster along with your heart. Yuck. Don’t despair. Despite how…
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Rude co Workers

Having to deal with a rude co-worker is, in a word, hellish. You’d think it wouldn’t be much different than dealing with rude people elsewhere in your life, but it is – your co-workers, after all, will reliably show up…
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