Author Archive: Grace Angel

Love Relationships

Many women are not comfortable with the lack of physical affection when they get in relationships. This is because men often do not view the sexual side of a relationship as a chase. Even when a woman has founded the…
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What Makes a Family

There is no worldwide-accepted definition of the family. Every individual is going to have their own interpretation of what constitutes the formation of a family unit. Certainly, the most common explanation is biological relations between individuals. That is people that…
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Dating Dilemmas Advice

There are many ways to know if any girlfriend is getting involved in another relationship. Usually women become involved in another relationship because their emotional needs are not being met. This means that she will be less likely to talk…
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Dating Dilemmas Advice

Overcoming an emotional affair can be very difficult for any couple. Sometimes emotional affairs are worse than physical affairs. This is because it can be very difficult to imagine a partner sharing deep meaningful conversations with another person. This is…
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